Contrary to popular belief, registering your business name does not provide ownership of the name or prevent anyone else form using this name. There are also no clear boundaries on use of the name to build identity of a unique product or service.
This level of ownership and security can only be provided by a registered trade mark.
What is a trade mark?
A trade mark is a sign, design or expression that identifies a unique product or service. It can include any of the following:
- letters
- words
- names
- signatures
- numerals
- brands
- devices
- headings
- labels, and
- aspects of shapes, colours, sounds, scents or packaging.
What will a registered trademark provide?
A registered trade mark will provide the following for your business:
- brand protection including securing value (goodwill)
- monopoly to use the trade mark in relation to the goods and services
- develop loyalty to the brand and effectively deal with infringements of this brand.
Your consumers will also benefit as a registered trade mark allows ease of decision making when comparing different providers of goods and services.
How do I get a trade mark search?
The first step to a registered trade mark is a trade mark search. This search will provide the following:
- A full search of the Australian trade mark database. This will identify not only identical but also similar trade marks that already exist;
- A trade mark registrability analysis; and
- A quote for registration of your trade mark alongside a trade mark registration strategy.
The cost of a trade mark search is $300 + GST.