Technology and Automation
Our Services: For BusinessesAutomate your financial reporting to see real-time performance
We provide a range of support, advice and development expertise to our clients to help them automate their financial reporting, accounting processes and see how their business is performing. Areas where we can help include:
- choosing and setting up your accounting software
- automation and integrations that will:
- improve cashflow and business efficiencies
- reduce debtor days
- reduce time spent reconciling credit cards
- reduce admin time for repeating/regular invoices or bills.
- real-time and custom financial reporting to tell you how your business is performing.
Accounting Software
Visit our page on Accounting Software to learn more about how we can help you choose and set up your accounting software.
Automation and Integrations
We are always researching the latest business and financial tools that will reduce administration, improve business efficiencies and enhance cash flow for us and our clients. Some of the tools and apps we have been working with lately that integrate with Xero and we can provide advice on, include:

Spotlight reporting

AutoEntry automates data entry, analysis and document storage of all of your bills, receipts, sales invoices, bank and card statements.

AroFlo brings job management to Xero meaning you can keep all your contacts in sync. You can send AroFlo invoices, purchase orders, payments and credit notes to Xero keeping your business financials up to date and even pull bank feed payments straight back into AroFlo.

Entryless extracts bill items and syncs bill entries into Xero. Any bill, any format, Entryless automatically updates your general ledger as bills are submitted. All you do is audit and approve. It also provides you with a dedicated e-mail address for all your bills so they don’t get lost in your inbox.

Workshop Software
Workshop Software is dedicated automotive software designed for mechanics to streamline accounts from your workshop garage to your accountant and bookkeeper so you can spend more time on the tools.

Dext makes it easy to get the bookkeeping information you need. You can scan receipts with your phone. Email invoices. Fetch statements. And everything can be automatically digitised, categorised and entered into your accounting software. No more time-wasting manual entry.

Hubdoc can import all your financial documents and export them into data you can use. Hubdoc helps accountants and bookkeepers save time, and helps their clients scale their businesses. Hubdoc extracts key information from your receipts, invoices and bills.

ApprovalMax streamlines workflow to get approval for accounting documents. It’s easy to set up workflows for document approval, with an accurate audit trail and reporting. You can automate your approval process while keeping approvers out of your accounting system.

Weel streamlines your spend management. Control spending while increasing the capacity of your finance team. With smart corporate cards, Weel makes reimbursements easy through simple software built for finance efficiency. Weel supports virtual corporate cards, subscription management, bill payments and easy reimbursements.
Get in touch with Nexis
Talk to our friendly team today about all your tax needs.