
How to Apply for Your Director ID

How to Apply for Your Director ID

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has implemented a new legal requirement for all company directors to hold a Director ID. Each director must only apply for one director ID, even if you are a director of multiple companies. When you must...

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Meet Henry, our newest Accountant

Meet Henry, our newest Accountant

Meet Henry Metcalfe, one of the newest members of our Nexis team in Canberra. He has been with us for the last six months and is settling into the Nexis life – which currently means working from home, due to the ACT’s lockdown. While he’s eager to get back to seeing...

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Meet Jia!

Meet Jia!

Meet Jia, one of the newest members of our Nexis team. She has been at Nexis for 6 months and is loving the role of Bookkeeper within the dynamic Nexis office. As a bookkeeper, her best advice to clients is the simple task of beginning to bookkeep in your business and...

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